Interested in using a photo from Two Hearts One Roof? Linking to our website is encouraged and appreciated!

If you are interested in using a photo from a recipe or craft post, you can use a single photo in your post with a description of the post, as long as you include a do-follow backlink (meaning, not using the “no-follow” attribute) back to the original post.

We reserve the right to request images that we deem being misused or abused to be removed immediately.

Please do not post images from our site onto your social media accounts where a backlink to our website isn’t possible, such as instagram feed, but you may link via stories.

Republishing a post in its entirety or large sections of a post is strictly prohibited.

If you wish to use any images from our site, which are not included in a recipe or craft post, for instance a review or travel piece then please get in touch first for permission.

Any questions feel free to drop us an email on

Thank you!