Wow Day 6 of my 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways already! We are half way through the giveaways, time is flying so fast this year it is mad. Have you been to check out our YouTube channel this month too? We/I am attempting Vlogmas so am hoping to post a vlog or video everyday of December, we shall have to see how that goes as we are still busy with the business for a while yet, but we will be trying our best.
Todays giveaway is something for all the animal lovers, bird watchers and gardeners out there. Boxwild is a bird seed box delivery service, that sends out great boxes packed full of bird seed, bird food and bird feeders that are perfect for what ever time of year it is. Today I am giving away their Fatty Box which is perfect for the winter months as it has fat balls which are great for keeping birds fattened up during the colder winter months.
So if there is a bird watcher in your life this would be the perfect gift for them. It’s super easier to enter, just fill in the box below, winner will be picked at random in a week. Good luck!
I think that a robin is my favourite bird because they are so dainty and beautiful
African grey parrot
I am very fond of the group of crows that live on the green outside my flats, they sit on the grass and in the trees being noisy and silly together. They make me laugh a lot.
My favourite bird is the long tailed tit
Eurasian blackcap, we’ve had a pair visit our garden the past few winters, still waiting for them to arrive this year though.
I assume we aren’t talking to eat as I’m a veggie! I love toucans – so pretty!
love Robins so cute!
The Robin, I love his bright red breast & his chirpy song it always cheers me up
my nan would love this
I love Robins and Magpies
Blackbirds…I get plenty of them in my garden, they always seen quite playful & inquisitive which is great to watch.
we love budgies in our house. but i love owls, they are beautiful birds.
I love Robins x
Robins, they are so tame
blue tit
My favourite birds are Robins.
Robin lovely little birds
Any of the hawks. We took an injured buzzard to the RSPCA. His stare made it clear he held us in contempt – they are magnificent birds, with such power and confidence
love robins – so beautiful
kingfishers are beautiful x
me and kids love Robin and watching out for them. They’re the cutest
I love Robins
House Sparrows. We currently have some nesting in our bathroom wall.
I love Robins, they’re so cute and we always had one visit our garden when I was little
parrotlets, like our little home bird
robins thankyou
It has to be the little robin
I love little sparrows they are really sweet
I love the red robins
I love it when the Wren comes in our garden, all to infrequently though….
the robin
I love sparrows
Red kite
I love robins
macaroni penguin
Budgie, also like robins etc.
I D always loved robins!
I love robins!
Red Kite
When they fly over the fields its amazing
We like robins, and owls
I love robins, so fitting for this time of year!