Emergency plumbing problems are never fun to have to deal with. They always seem to happen at the worst possible moment, such as in the middle of winter when you need your heating the most, and it can feel like a lot to deal with. It’s important that you take the right steps, and that you act quickly – here’s where you should start if you’ve just experienced a serious plumbing issue.
Try to shut the water off
All houses should have a water shut-off valve, and if you know where it is, it’s a good idea to turn the water supply off. This is especially important if the plumbing issue you have has resulted in a water leak – you need to minimise the amount of damage that’s caused, which means limiting the amount of water that’s split. Try to keep calm; if it’s a rental property, ring your landlord straight away and ask them where the main shut-off valve is, so that you can start to get it under control.
Ring an emergency plumber
While you’re doing this, you should be trying to get in contact with an emergency plumbing service. Look for services such as Able Plumbers Milton Keynes with a great track record; you don’t want the damage to just be patched up in a manner that will lead to more issues in the future, you want a solution that will actually last. If you can’t find a service quickly online, it’s worth asking around the neighbourhood if anyone knows a good local plumber who might be able to help out.
Try to see if there’s a simple fix
Once you’ve called a plumber and turned off the water supply, try to see if the problem might be a simple fix. This will be dependent on how confident you are with basic DIY, but if it’s something as simple as a blocked P-trap under your kitchen sink, you might be able to sort it out on your own. Make sure that you don’t make the issue any worse – you don’t want to burst a pipe that’s in otherwise good condition and make the problem even more serious.
Don’t mess about with gas leaks
If you suspect that you’ve got a gas leak, you need to take it incredibly seriously. As well as calling a plumber to come around right away, you might want to open your windows so that gas can’t build up, and make sure that you don’t light the stove or use the toaster. Gas nowadays is mixed with a strong and distinctly smelling odour, so you should be able to tell if you have a leak. If you have any doubts, it’s always worth getting it checked out – the results of a gas leak can be deadly.
If you’re currently dealing with a plumbing issue, we hope that this has provided you with some useful, actionable advice. To avoid these kinds of issues from occurring, it’s always worth keeping on top of your plumbing maintenance – it might seem like a pain, but it’s definitely worth it in the long run.