Whoop we have made it to day 11 of my 12 days of Christmas Giveaways!! Today is another giveaway from me to you lovely readers. I’ve decided to put together a new baby bundle of items for one lucky reader. I’m not going to tell you whats in the bundle as that would spoil the surprise! But I promise you there are lots of great items and the value is over £50!!!
So to enter its simple as usual just fill in the form below and I will chose one winner at random in a weeks time. Good Luck
No I haven’t tried yet
I have heard of babywearing and have seen a few mums doing it however this was after my first child was too old for me to do it to him
I don’t have any children but would love to win this prize for charity, to go to Romania.
My daughter uses a wrap to babywear, my granddaughter is so settled when she’s nestled close to her mummy
I did when my twins were small and now my step daughter has a son and she does too!
i switch between a Tula, fidella fly tai, ring sling and a girasol woven!
I have a kangawrap, love it & will be using it with my youngest due in spring
No i haven’t but i’d love to try based on the feedback, thanks.x
Not tried babywearing, so not using anything
No haven’t tried baby wearing
I used to love my hug-a-bub – best thing I ever bought.
I liked using a Hana wrap
I love babywearing, I used a typical baby carrier.
Yes we have. It is fab
Yes I have tried it but is not for me ao I dobt use my sling anymore
Tried baby weaning many a time -my neice will be shortly weaning her little one and is quite worried
Patience and persistence
no I’ve not tried it.
Yes, it was not called babywearing when I had my two but whatever the name it is a lovely way to travel, do housework etc with baby so close to you.
I can’t use baby wearing too much because of my bad back, but I have done on occasion, especially when my little one was newborn. Always worried I would call over though!
Yes I have, I use a Kangawrap at the minute and love it .x
I would have loved to with my two but I suffer with back problems and hyperflexibility so it wasn’t possible for myself.
I just use the good old pram and trike and reins.
No I’ve never tried it, it wasn’t really heard of back then, my Daughter currently does, though not sure what she uses x
No. I haven’t tried baby wearing.
No, not tried it yet, I’ve never heard of it until now
No I have not tried yet
I’m due in two months so I haven’t tried it but want to.
No, I haven’t tried baby wearing yet.