How do you fancy getting your hands on this awesome Neon Effect light up message frame in my Wicked Uncle giveaway. It would make the perfect fun addition to a teenagers room, or a play room maybe. And I’ll ship it out in time for Christmas so you can pack it up as an extra Christmas gift!
The light up frame comes with 3 neon chalk pens to allow you to decorate the glass panel with what ever message or drawing you would like. Then you can simply wipe it off and start again when ever you feel like a change. Hit the button on top to turn on the led lights in the frame and watch the neon writing glow. Its lots of fun and adds a great decorative (and useful) element to any room. You can be as creative as you like!
Jon thought this message would be funny to write on ours, which is currently in our room…like my kids are ever quiet!! haha! But the glow from it is lovely, not too bright, so Effie likes using it as a nightlight when she goes down to sleep in our room at the moment.
It would be great for seasonal messages, little positivity quotes, kids names or even as a reminder board. I’m sure kids would have great fun playing around drawing and decorating it for their room too. And as its easy to wipe clean it offers endless hours of fun for them. What would you write on yours?
If you fancy purchasing one you will find them on Wicked Uncle for £16.95.
So it is super simple to enter this Wicked Uncle giveaway, all you need to do is fill in some of the entry methods on the rafflecopter form below and the winner will be contacted by email when the giveaway closes next week.
Today my message would be aimed at my girls.
“Tidy your rooms”. lol x
Haha think that would need to be a permanent fixture!!
I’d write things like ‘Movie Night’ or ‘Baking Day’ as fun mini-events around the house
Be Kind & BeHave!!
shopping list
mine would be . . . ‘xx love love love xx’
What we are having for dinner
I would have “Shhh… relax and read” Encouring reading and a bit of quiet time!
I would write happy messages each day to cheer the family up!
Today will be a good day
Have a lovely day
My daughter would love this to right messages to her daddy as she never sees him at night as he is always working late and she likes to leave him notes.
probably the shopping list – what fun!
Dogs welcome, Children must be kept on a lead
Have a good day
I’d write our names, Mummy, Daddy, Lily and Ryan.
I would choose some positive and uplifting words each day.
I think we would use it for dinner menu – stop all the questions about what are we having!
Movie Time!
welcome to the mad house!
Grandchildren welcome anytime
Smile and be happy
A great day ahead
Enjoy today x
My daughter loves positive empowering quotes so a new fabulous quote a day!
Love Yourself, you’re worth it!
Love love love
A reminder each morning for things my children need for school or their activities that day! I’m forever repeating myself, they might pay attention to this!
please leave a message after the …….
Remember You’re A Womble! (Don’t ask…)
Haha love it!!
Dinner Time
id put daily jokes on it
id draw funny cartoons on it
I’d write jokes for my sons! They could have a new one everyday.
I’d use it to write daily messages.
Welcome to Hell on earth
Dogs and children welcome!
Countdown to our newest baby arrives!
What day is it?
Positive message to help inspire my family
Mums cafe is open
Work hard, be kind, drink tea!!
” Remember to buy your lovely wife chocolate!” For my husband to read on his way out the door to work. hehe. x
Life is a gift
love you
Always smile
I’d write happy birthday to my mum!
Love Yourself
The Pyper clan
Brew time! Mines tea, 1 sweetener and a dash of milk.
If I was the lucky winner I would gift it to my daughter and leave messages for her on it
Alice, never forget how amazing you are

We Are Entirely Surrounded By Vugs
follow your dreams
Mums working space. Quiet please!
Have a nice day
I’d use it to write messages from our elf on the shelf.
Be good! We are watching.
I’d write daily positive vibes on
We would write festive messages, and maybe a Christmas countdown x
Home sweet home
Love you…..have an awesome day, at my daughters bed so she wakes to it in the morning
“Dont get out of bed before 6am” hahaha or I might put what we are having for dinner on it instead of being asked 1000 times
I think my teenager would add it to his room saying “Serious Gamers Only”
I’d write a joke or a fact everyday for my kids
This would be great for our dinner time menu!
I’d write
You’re cooking tonight! MEATBALLS!
For my husband
I would write to my boys cute messages for them daily to make them smile
Tonights Dinner
It would be good for the elf to write at Christmas!
I would write ‘remember brussels for muscles’ amazing what works to get them to eat their veg!
Kitchen Disco
I might start with something simple like Pizza for tea
Follow your dreams
Phrases for special days like Merry Christmas or well done for being brave or Congratulations!
Tidy your room
love you Squishy!
If I had one I’d write “night night Girls xxx”
I think that I would write a reminder message to my son, something like “tidy your room” (which another poster has already said. Or “Do your homework!!!”
Welcome Home
I’d write messages for the family.
I love you to the moon and back and more…
Listen and HEAR
I’d probably write my favourite saying – one day, or day one, you decide
Bring the popcorn Movie Time
I think I’d use it for some motivational quotes and sayings.
to do list for the week
Shhhh I’m reading!
Remember to clean out the rabbits would be my message.
Mine would be “Happiness is the best make-up”
I would write little happy messages and quotes for the kids and leave it in their bedroom to make them smile.
I’d let my daughter choose something to write.
Please walk the dog
I would write to do and to buy lists on it.
I’d pop on our fave movie quotes, especially Marvel ones!
I’d write a positive note every morning before the kids wake up x
Spells in progress
Today is a new day!
I love you xx
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Shh Weavers at Work
Put your shoes away! Or DONT PEE ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR!