When I come home from a wedding I upload my cards to our servers and then to a hard drive which is linked to an online backup site. An average wedding is anywhere from 150GB to 200GB, all of which will be sucked up into the cloud as one of our forms of backup to keep our data safe. Add to that we upload finished galleries, website galleries, prints to suppliers and then add our usual family data usage for streaming movies and tv and it adds up to a heck of a lot of data. When it got to peak times when most people were home with families and watching their tv and using their broadband the most, our speeds ground to a halt. I’d have to pause my backups to make sure we could stream movies and our social media pages would load quickly. This is not ideal what so ever. In comes business broadband.
Instead of being with BT we are now with BT Business. It’s exactly the same speed internet at a similar price, but we are guaranteed to never be capped or slowed down at peak times so our business can keep on ticking over at the speeds we need. There are various levels and prices for ultra high business broadband in your area depending on how far you are from the exchange, so checking what the best deal you can get for your money is important. In some business areas you can jump on the supercharged fibre lines for much the same price as domestic fibre broadband (oh I wish we were able to!). There are a number of comparison sites available online which make comparing prices and speed super easy. You may not have as much data needs as we do, but having the extra support when things go wrong is also incredible. The last thing you want is to be down for days and being treated like an average user who only needs Facebook and snapchat.