Opie Mail!! He does love getting treats in the mail (as do we!) and is always excited when he can sniff one of the boxes and knows it is for him. This is our second Pawsome Box and as with the first we were really happy with the items we got. Check out the review of our first box, the hedgehog ball is still one of Opie’s favourite toys to play with, and we love it as it doesn’t roll under our sofa!
The boxes always have a great selection of items, from toys and treats, to practical items and hygiene products, so you know there are going to be items for your dog and useful ones for you. Plus they tend to quite often be brands that aren’t that well known which is great because you can discover new things your pet might like!
So here is what we got in our second box
- Hands down Opies favourite items was the Crinklers Toy Cow. This is such funny and clever little toy, it is a cow shaped soft toy but is hollow so you can slip in an empty pop bottle. Opie loves playing with bottles as they make a fun noise but sometimes I worry it’s not very safe. This way he gets to play and make a noise without any of the fear of swallowing bits of bottle. Of course our cocker spaniel is very destructive so the cow only lasted about a week (he played with it a lot though!!!) and he chewed off and arm and managed to pull the bottle out…naughty boy! We let hime keep the empty cow for a week or two though as he loves to rag fabric and had lots of fun carrying the cow around the house and playing tug with it.
- Sporty Squeak’s Ball again Opie loves anything that squeaks or makes a noise so a squeaky ball is always going to be a hit. This one only last a day or 2 though as it wasn’t particularly hard plastic and he quickly made a hole in it!. It has a very large hole in it now (I removed the squeaker part) but he still likes to play fetch in the house with it and try chew more bits off.
- Pet Munchies, these say they are an all natural dog sushi treat. Little pieces of treat in striped cubes. Opie seems to love them and eats them up very quickly when we give him a few after his walk so they are a big hit.
- Good Boy Captain Jack Fish Treat, apart from the fact that I’m not keen on the smell Opie really isn’t a fan of these (they kinda feel like cat treats with the fishy smell tbh) I tried him with one when they first arrived and he just dropped it on the floor, he did eventually go back and eat it but it was grudgingly done I think as I haven’t offered him an alternative. He has tried a few since and tends to bite a small bit off them leave the rest till later. Really isn’t that taken with them.
- Rawhide Lollipop, this was the first thing he had out of the box as I knew he would love it. He is a big fan of rawhide so wandered around with this for a good while before settling down to munch on it.
- Poop Bags these are always needed as we go through a lot of them (he likes to walk 3 times a day and doesn’t like pooping on our patio area, only when he is out walking! So we tend to get through these sharpish, so always useful to have more!
- Nilaque Shampoo this is a no rinse shampoo which we haven’t actually tried yet, but Opie gets super dirty sometimes as he loves to run and play in the mud a lot! Luckily he actually doesn’t mind taking a shower too much so we haven’t had an issue getting him clean again yet, but I can see this might be really useful in the summer when we take him walking up the waterfall path, he gets really muddy then I have to put him in the car, so if I can at least clean off some of the mud before popping him in the back seat that would be really helpful.
So that is Opie’s Review of his second Pawsome Box, as you can see it was nearly all a big hit. He hopes he gets the chance to review another very soon!